If you apply to the CCRC we will use the information you give us to help look into your case.
We may use it to get hold of material belonging to other organisations. This could be information about you or about any other person or subject if we think it could have an impact on your case.
Once we have started looking into a case, we will decide what material we need.
We aim to keep the information only for as long as we need to. We are very careful about how and when we share information about cases.

Following the closing of your investigation
If we refer a case to the appeal court we usually issue a short news release to our website identifying the case and explaining the basic reasons why that it has been referred. Similarly, if the conviction or sentence is overturned a news story may be published to our website.
We may also share the applicant’s contact details with the Miscarriage of Justice Support Service which is a charity that can offer help to people who have been wrongly convicted.
We take great care of the information we hold
We only share information when it is allowed by the Criminal Appeal Act 1995 and the Data Protection Act 2018. When we refer a case for appeal, we usually share the information about the appeal with the applicant, with the appeal court and with the prosecution. When we refer a case, we will usually tell any victim involved in the case.