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Mr GE pleaded guilty at Guildford Crown Court in 2016 to multiple sexual offences involving contact with children over the internet.

Mr GE was sentenced to an extended sentence of 14 years, made up of a custodial sentence of eight years and an extended licence period of six years.

After sentencing Mr GE was transferred to a medium secure unit under s47/49 of the Mental Health Act.

The CCRC’s referral was based on whether a hospital order should have been imposed, rather than a custodial sentence. There was no suggestion Mr GE was not criminally responsible.

In October 2022 the CCRC received an application to review his case, along with a supporting psychiatric report, and subsequently obtained records from Mr GE’s registered clinician.

The CCRC considered there was a real possibility the Court of Appeal would determine that if this new evidence had been available at the time Mr GE was sentenced, it was likely the judge would have considered a hospital order appropriate.

The CCRC referred the sentence in February 2004.