There are several ways to get in touch with the CCRC:

Write to us:
The CCRC’s head office is based in Birmingham.
23 Stephenson Street
B2 4BH
Local rate telephone 0300 456 2669 (calls to this number from anywhere in the UK are charged as local rate calls)
Switchboard: 0121 233 1473
Media enquiries:
Contact External Affairs at or on 0121 232 0900 (please note this is for journalists only and will divert to voicemail if calls are not answered within 90 seconds).
Please use the switchboard number 0121 233 1473 for all other enquiries and your call will be directed to the right person or team.
DX (Document Exchange):
Our DX address (a mail system often used by solicitors): DX: 715466 Birmingham 41.