In the interests of transparency, the CCRC publishes minutes of our Board meetings, which are generally held every other month.
We also hold a public Board meeting once per year, which is typically held in November. This meeting provides an opportunity for members of the public to gain insight into the important work that the CCRC carries out.
We hope that this page provides you with the information you need to better understand the workings of the Criminal Cases Review Commission and its commitment to ensuring that the best possible reviews of potential miscarriages of justice take place.
Most recent Board minutes – 17 January 2025
Meeting held remotely
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Director of Casework Operations)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Paul Napier (Head of Communications and External Affairs)
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
1. Welcome
Mr Katz welcomed everyone to the meeting. In line with the Board’s Terms of Reference, following the Chairman’s recent departure Mr Katz would be chairing Board Meetings going forward pending the appointment of an Interim Chair.
2. Discussion
The Board meeting was called to address a number of operational matters, including how best to support SLT during this challenging period. This included the impact on staff, internal/external communications and engagement with Commissioners/ Body Corporate.
3. Update from the Staff Briefing
The CEO updated the Board on the Staff Briefing that took place on 15 January. Following the week’s events there was both considerable disappointment and frustration regarding the nature of the resignation. SLT had tried to provide as much reassurance as possible, particularly around any future review that an Interim Chair may undertake, noting that a review of casework was currently underway, as was a corporate review. The CEO highlighted current business as usual, with the Northern Ireland visit still going ahead next week and a referral having been made today.
The Finance & Corporate Services Director commented that media coverage was causing additional concern and uncertainty for colleagues.
Mr Katz commended the professionalism of the SLT and the wider organisation in its continued focus on casework. He asked whether SLT thought it beneficial for a note to be circulated from the Board and Commissioners, recognising the challenging period the organisation is going through and commending colleagues for all the good work that had been done, whilst also pledging to keep staff updated.
The Head of Communications and External Affairs advised that a note had already been circulated to staff from the Chief Executive on behalf of SLT, the Board and all Commissioners carrying similar messages. It was agreed a further written note was not required.
4. Arrangements for an Interim Chair
The Chief Executive provided an update from David West at the MoJ, regarding the appointment of an interim Chair. That person would need to have a Royal Warrant because as Chair of the CCRC they also needed to be a Commissioner. David West would keep the Chief Executive updated.
5. Media and Communications
The Head of Communications and External Affairs provided an update to the Board, explaining that various scenarios had been identified ahead of this week’s events and plans had been in place for multiple outcomes. He explained that media interest had lessened as the week progressed and explained the strategy going forward. It was agreed that there would be value in documenting and sharing this high-level strategy.
The CEO reflected that it had been the intention of the Head of Communications and External Affairs to spend some time with Commissioners around the Communications Strategy, but recent events had taken over.
Mr Katz suggested that as a way forward, whilst awaiting the arrival of the Interim Chair, the Head of Communications and External Affairs could issue a brief weekly communication update to Commissioners. Agreement was given to this.
6. Operational Gaps to be Filled
Mr Katz enquired whether there were any key gaps in the organisation caused by the absence of a Chair, how they were being plugged and whether there were any governance matters to be considered.
Mr Katz asked the Finance & Corporate Services Director to check whether there was any conflict with him chairing the Board and the Audit Committee. PR to investigate this and report back.
The Chief Executive reported that she would deal with Parliamentary correspondence. In terms of the media, save for the current situation the Chairman didn’t usually comment on issues and so standard processes could continue. There were no big events on the horizon other than the Northern Ireland visit, which was still going ahead. It was noted that the Head of Communications and External Affairs was looking at putting together a Stakeholder Strategy.
Commissioner recruitment was underway and was being supported by Mr Brown. There were about 70 or 80 candidates going through the casework exercise. The campaign for the INED recruitment would need to be commenced, but that could be progressed ahead of any Chair appointment.
It was suggested that the Risk Register would need to be amended given the week’s events, reflecting potential changes to the risk profile. The Finance & Corporate Services Director would lead on that.
7. Commissioners’ questions
Mr Katz thanked Mr Brown for sending through a summary of questions which Commissioners raised in their discussions the previous evening. This would greatly assist in having a structured conversation at the Board/Commissioner meeting which immediately followed.
8. Other business
There being no business the meeting closed.
Minutes of the Board meeting
Tuesday 30 January 2024
Meeting held remotely by video conference
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Director of Casework Operations)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
In attendance:
Item 7 – Mr Wayne Gough (WG) (Head of Business Planning & Performance)
Item 8 – Mr Alex Simpson-Vince (ASV) (Head of Information Governance)
Item 9 – AOB Mr Paul Napier (Head of Communications and External Affairs) and Mr Chris Webb (Communications Adviser)
1. Welcome and declarations of interest:
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies and no declarations of interest.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising:
The minutes of the Open Board meeting held on 27 November 2023 were approved.
3. Chairman’s update:
The Chairman advised that she had been spending been a significant amount of time talking to the Ministry of Justice regarding various issues, including resourcing. She has also been responding to correspondence from MPs and applicants.
The Chairman reported that she recently had her appraisal with the Chief Operating Officer at the MoJ who advised that he was pleased with the overall performance of CCRC but recognised that resourcing is an issue, and that case review will slow down if this is not addressed.
4. Chief Executive’s update:
The Chief Executive provided a verbal update to the Board. It was reported that SLT are juggling several important issues, and although they would endeavour to maintain ‘business as usual,’ inevitably there may be some delay in providing responses.
The CEO advised that the MoJ business case regarding Commissioner fees remains outstanding.
The CEO updated the Board in respect of potential legislation in respect of Post Office Horizon cases. We will continue to engage with MoJ to ensure we can provide assistance.
The Management Information Pack was noted by the Board. In respect of the casework archive, the CEO confirmed that this is a long-standing piece of work nearing completion. It will form part of the communications strategy and will be housed on the CCRC website in due course. It will be used to inform people of the work of the Commission.
5. Casework report:
The report was received and noted. The Casework Operations Director reported that performance against most KPIs is good save for Long Running Cases where there has been an increase in cases open for over two years.
Intake remains high, with an 18% increase on last year. The COD advised that it has been a sustained increase over several months and will be monitored before confirming if this is the new ‘normal.’ The COD also reported that there has been a 25% increase in case completion.
The Chairman thanked the COD for her report and stated that it is commendable that the team is still performing well despite the ongoing resourcing issues.
6. Queuing Cases:
The Casework Operations Director led a discussion on the various options for queuing cases, should it become necessary. This is because of the sustained increase in applications. The Board agreed that a sixth casework group was needed, and that funding should be provided to facilitate that. It was agreed that it was important, should queuing become necessary, to ensure that groups of applicants are not disadvantaged, and that communication is transparent.
Having discussed queuing at the Board, the COD proposed that she now shares this with staff for their input. The COD agreed to report back the findings from this consultation enabling the Board to make an informed final decision regarding the various options.
7. Review of Corporate Plan and Proposed Business Plan Actions:
The report was noted by the Board. The Head of Business Planning & Performance reported that whilst there had been solid performance in many areas, there are some areas which were challenged because of insufficient capacity currently and funding issues.
It was agreed that it was important to maintain flexibility given challenges facing the CCRC and the extra strain on BAU caused by diverting resources to address those challenges. The introduction to the plan would emphasise the current pressures facing the CCRC. The revised plan will be presented at the next Board meeting in March.
8. Information Governance report:
The report prepared by the Head of Information Governance was noted by the Board. A question was asked as to whether the CCRC had been the subject of any cyber-attacks. ASV confirmed that none had been reported.
ASV confirmed that our IFG framework is comparable to that of other organisations and is compatible with ISO 27001 standard.
The Chairman thanked ASV for this report and re-iterated that this is a very important part of the business.
9. AOB:
There was a discussion in respect of communications attended by Paul Napier, Head of Communications & External Affairs, and Chris Webb, Communications Advisor.
Date of next meeting:
19 March 2024 10.30 – 12.30
Minutes of the Board meeting
Tuesday 19 March 2024
Meeting held at Stephenson Street, Birmingham
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Director of Casework Operations)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Non attendance:
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
In attendance:
Item 8 – Mr Wayne Gough (WG) (Head of Business Planning & Performance)
Item 10 – Mr John Curtis (JC) (In-house Counsel)
1. Welcome and declarations of interest:
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Martin Spencer and there were no declarations of interest.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising:
The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 30 January 2024 were approved.
3. Chairman’s update:
The Chairman updated the Board on various meetings with the MoJ including some concerns regarding MoJ responses. The Chairman also updated the Board about her positive appraisal meeting with the Chief Operating Officer, attendance at the APPG on Forensic Sciences, as well as speaking engagements for the Cabinet Office and International Women’s Day.
Other activities have included preparation for Commissioner recruitment, interviews for a new executive assistant and reviewing documents in relation to INED recruitment.
4. Chief Executive’s update:
The Management Information Pack was noted. In addition, the Chief Executive took the Board through the actions update. There was a discussion around the Post Office legislation in respect of mass exonerations; the Board will be updated as the Bill continues its passage through Parliament.
5. Casework report:
The casework report was noted. Overall casework KPIs are good, however the Casework Operations Director expressed concern about the number of long running cases even though the number had reduced slightly in January and February. There was a discussion about post office cases under review; it was agreed that consideration should be given to writing to post office applicants once the Bill had passed and the position was clear.
6. Casework strategy:
It was noted that this was an excellent document with a couple of questions asked for clarification. The Casework Operations Director will build those points into the final document.
7. DNA trawl – process update:
The Board agreed that this paper was well structured and clearly set out the phasing of the project. This is a sizable project which has been resourced internally for Phase 1. In Phase 2, the Commission can resource out of current funding but will require additional resources to complete Phase 2 in an acceptable timeframe. Furthermore, additional funding will be required for all stages of Phase 3. The importance of this process to our work was emphasized and it was agreed that funding must be provided from MoJ.
The Board will be updated as the project progresses.
8. Long running cases deep dive:
The paper was noted. There was a discussion about the need to ensure cases are re-categorized where appropriate and how to resource long running cases with various potential options discussed.
9. Business plan approval:
Wayne Gough joined the meeting to discuss the Business Plan, which was considered to be an excellent document. Suggestions for enhancement to the draft were discussed and noted. WG will update the business plan accordingly.
10. AOB:
In-house Counsel joined to update the Board on a legal issue. The Board was clear on the preferred option, which will be taken forward.
There being no further business the meeting closed.
Date of next meeting: 21 May 2024 10.30 – 12.30
Minutes of the Board Meeting
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Meeting held remotely by video conference
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Director of Casework Operations)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Non attendance:
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
In attendance:
Item 8 – Mr Wayne Gough (WG) (Head of Business Planning & Performance)
Item 10 – Mr Robin Davis (RD) – (Head of HR)
1. Welcome and declarations of interest:
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Rob Ward, and there were no declarations of interest.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising:
The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 19 March 2024 were approved.
3. Chairman’s update:
The Chairman updated the Board on her recent outreach work at the North Eastern Circuit, which Mr Curtis In-house Counsel also attended. The seminar went extremely well.
The Chairman further updated the Board following a meeting with the Miscarriage of Justice Support Service and also advised that a meeting with the Lord Chancellor was still awaited.
4. Chief Executive’s update:
The CEO provided a verbal update including the recent national PCS ballot and an unconnected legal matter. The pay remit which is usually announced March/April time had been put back to July, so that the MoJ and other departments were in sync with the rest of the public sector.
There was positive news regarding Commissioner recruitment in respect of the number of applications received although concerns that delays would flow from a general election.
There was a discussion around Long Running Cases given the increase in cases. The Director of Casework Operations set out the reasons for the high numbers and addressing this going forwards. There was some positive news in that the LRC also monitors the number of cases approaching two years which was substantially higher last year than this year.
There was a query in relation to headcount figures reported in the Management Information Pack. The FCSD would revisit this and report back on the budget, actual in post, and actual vacancies.
The FCSD gave an update on the budget settlement; we received a 5% increase. The FCSD remained hopeful that we would get the additional funding later in the year in respect of a bid for an additional casework group.
The FCSD reported that officials were supportive although juggling priorities with other ALBs.
5. Casework report:
The Chairman thanked the COD for her excellent report. It was noted that last year was the busiest ever with over 1629 applications which was a 13% increase in completed cases. In terms of references there were three in April and there were at least another 4 that were in preparation. Recruitment was continuing for both CRMs and Trainee CRMs, and an offer had been made for the Lawyer vacancy. There was a quick run through of the high-profile cases and an update on the DNA trawl.
6. Audit & Risk Assurance Annual Report:
The Board received the ARAC Annual Report presented by Mr Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director).
Diversity & Inclusion Group Annual Report:
The Head of Business Planning and Performance presented the report. It had been a strong year for the group including a new chair and a review of the Terms of Reference. The Board received the Annual Report of the Diversity and Inclusion Group.
7. Business Continuity Plan:
The FCSD reported that a business continuity exercise for the recovery of the IT System was taking place in July and would be led by Rock IT.
The Board approved the plan with some minor amendments.
8. Strategic Risk Register and Risk Appetite Statement:
The Board reviewed and approved the Strategic Risk Register and Risk Appetite Statement and approved it. The FCSD would incorporate suggestions made in respect of the wording.
9. Staff survey:
The Head of HR presented an update to the Board on the staff survey. The Chairman asked the Head of HR to give some thought to how the Board and Commissioners might assist in the development of staff, i.e. through the mentoring programme, and confirmed that everybody was keen to have that connectivity and to give that assistance.
10. AOB:
There being no further business the meeting closed.
Date of next meeting:
30 July 2024 10.30 – 12.30
Meeting of the Board Minutes
Tuesday 30 July 2024
Meeting held remotely by video conference
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Casework Operations Director)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr David Brown (Commissioner)
Mrs Linda Lee (Commissioner)
Mr Rob Ward (Commissioner)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
In attendance:
Item 7 – Mr John Curtis In-house Counsel
Non attendance:
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
1.Welcome and declarations of interest
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Andre Katz and Martin Spencer, and there were no declarations of interest.
2.Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 21 May 2024 were approved.
3.Chairman’s Update
The Chairman advised that she had been spending a significant amount of time dealing with issues arising from the Lord Chancellor’s remarks, as well as discussions with various people and dealing with correspondence. She had also received a great deal of support which was gratefully received. The Chairman reported a panel would be convened regarding her role as Chairman of the CCRC. A date for the panel was yet unknown.
The Chairman reported that she had a meeting with Miscarriages of Justice Support Service, as well as with other stakeholders and had very good meetings internally with staff.
4.Chief Executive’s Update
The Chief Executive provided a verbal update to the Board. The actions matrix was noted.
The CEO provided an update regarding an HR absence and the backfill arrangements which were in place. The CEO also updated the Board on the pay review; it had been announced that the public sector would be getting a 5% increase. The FCSD had been in discussions with MOJ; we haven’t yet had confirmation of the amount. It is likely to follow the same timeline as in previous years.
The CEO understood that the Commissioner recruitment process would continue from September/October. However, it was unlikely that any new Commissioners would be in post until the new business year (i.e. April 2025 onwards) because of the time to recruit and appoint. The CEO reported that there had been over 350 applications.
The Management Information Pack was noted by the Board. The Casework Operations Director reported that Commissioners had been asked to work extra days if they had capacity, to help reduce the number of cases awaiting a decision. The COD would remind staff to monitor cases at draft decision in case there were additional submissions or other developments before the case was assigned to a Commissioner.
The Board noted the very good work that the CCRC Historian, with the Digital Communications Officer, had done in creating the Case Library. This will be launched shortly and will help explain our role to potential applicants.
5.Casework Report
The Report was received and noted. The Casework Operations Director reported that the number of long running cases was significantly higher than the KPI target. However, to provide some context, 70 long running cases had been closed in the last 12 months. In September, new CRMs and Trainee CRMs would join the CCRC which would ultimately have an impact on longer running cases. The COD would remind casework staff of the Nominated Decision Maker arrangements to ensure that, in appropriate cases, Commissioner input is obtained before the case reaches the decision stage.
The COD also updated the board regarding training sessions held with staff and Commissioners regarding the Chris Henley KC report. There were additional sessions scheduled to ensure that everyone had been able to attend. These sessions would form part of future induction programmes for new starters. The CEO recommended that the INEDs attend the training sessions. The COD will arrange.
Work was underway on the recommendations and the COD assured the Board that it would be regularly updated on progress.
6.Procurement Act 2023
The FCSD updated the Board on the Procurement Act 2023 which was coming into effect on 28 October 2024. The changes were intended to create a simpler and more flexible procurement system. The FCSD would also contact the GLS with a view to securing preferential rates in respect of legal costs.
7.Any other business
The Chairman announced that Martin Spencer had taken up the job of Chairman of the Education and Schools Funding Agency. The Board would congratulate Mr Spencer at the next Board Meeting.
Mr John Curtis In-House Counsel joined the meeting and advised the board that regarding judicial reviews, the litigation levels were normal.
Date of next meeting: 24 September 2024 on site at 23 Stephenson Street.
Meeting of the Board Minutes
24 September 2024
Meeting held at 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Casework Operations Director)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director) – via Teams
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Welcome and declarations of interest
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies, and no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 30 July 2024 were approved.
Chairman’s Update
The Chairman advised that after a relatively quiet inbox due to Parliamentary recess, there had been a sudden influx of correspondence and meetings.
Chief Executive’s Update
The Management Information Pack was noted. The CEO provided a verbal update to the Board including an update on the actions log noting that all actions were now complete; she also provided an update in respect of a legal matter.
The Commission had yet to receive an application on behalf of Ms Letby, although one was expected. Given the likely complexity of the review, a Senior Case Review Manager, Group Leader and Nominated Decision Maker had been assigned and preliminary reading and familiarisation was underway. The team would be expanded once the application was received.
It is anticipated that we would be laying the Annual Report and Accounts in October.
The CEO advised on the 5% pay rise in the public sector which had been widely reported. We had reasonably budgeted for a 3% increase; MoJ have confirmed that they will fund the extra 2%. The details are being worked on, but it is expected that the average pay increase will be 5% for those staff eligible for pay reviews.
The CEO had written to Andy Slaughter MP on behalf of the Commission congratulating him on his recent appointment as Chair of the Justice Select Committee. A meeting had been offered by us either at the Commission or in London.
The CEO reported on discussions concerning the Criminal Appeal Act 1995 and its relationship with the Data Protection Act 2018. In-House Counsel and Head of Information Governance are currently dealing with this and have requested a meeting with the ICO to discuss further.
The CEO reported that there will be two operational service reviews, casework and support services. This was to ensure that all of our practices and processes support our corporate aims as well as looking for areas of good practice and areas where we can improve effectiveness. They would be led by the Casework Operations Director and the Finance & Corporate Services Director. This is services driven and operational; any strategic issues that arise would be flagged to the board.
A short discussion took place on Long Running Cases; it was noted that the service review would look at long running cases and related issues.
The CEO expected a report on the findings of both service reviews to be available by the end of the year.
The FCSD reported that the Commissioner time recording trial, (being trialled with three Commissioners), within the Case Management System, continues to be reviewed and further work is required before a proposal is agreed. The time recording analysis could reveal valuable data onidentifying any blockages.
Casework Report
The report was noted. In respect of the Post Office Cases, the COD updated the Board regarding the ongoing dialogue with the Policy Unit at the MOJ in relation to cases that pre-dated Horizon (Capture cases). The Department of Business & Trade had instructed Kroll, a risk and financial advisory services firm, to investigate and report on Capture. The report would inform the CCRC’s work on a small number of possible Capture cases.
A short discussion took place about our strategic approach to communications and the challenges of addressing factual inaccuracies and uninformed opinion. A paper on communications strategy would come to the board addressing this point. The CEO explained that the Head of Communications is going to run a session with Commissioners. It was agreed that the progress report at Annex 1 should reflect the continued commitment to ensuring the accuracy of media releases.
Framework Agreement
The FCSD introduced the draft Framework Agreement which was replacing the current one signed in 2019. This was a standard format, revised to make it clearer.
There was a query in respect of the Internal Audit function and whether it must be Government Internal Audit Agency. The FCSD would follow-up on that as well as amend some wording around the meeting schedule for the Body Corporate.
The Chairman asked AK and MS to review the draft document on behalf of the board.
Emerging Technology
The report was noted. The FCSD explained that there are several projects underway. The Knowledge Platform which is in the second of three phases will be completed in September. There is also a project reviewing the Case Management System (CMS) which is to identify improvements/changes to the CMS since it was first launched over 3 years ago. The FCSD also advised that that there was an innovation fund launched by the MoJ at the end of August and that there was a one-off opportunity for funding for any special projects for ALBs, to the value of £25K. Five applications had been submitted by the CCRC, the outcome of which would be known by October.
A new approach to how Commissioners record their time as part of their fee claim was being piloted with three Commissioners. There was concern that not all Commissioners had been consulted. The FCSD confirmed that once the latest changes had been made to the CMS, more information would be sent to the rest of the Commissioners. The FCSD would email Commissioners to update them.
Quality Assurance – Commissioner Peer Review
The Report was noted. The COD was seeking a Board decision to introduce Commissioner peer review of Commissioner decision-making as part of the Quality Assurance Framework. It was also a recommendation flowing from the GIAA audit of the casework quality framework. The paper proposed the introduction of the peer review process on a small scale, in effect testing and learning from it, so that a scheme is in place and bedded-in prior to the arrival next year of new Commissioners.
The Board agreed that peer review was an appropriate process, but that the timing of it and the detail of it would need to return to the board following consultation with all Commissioners.
Any other business
Items to be discussed with the Body Corporate – Framework Agreement
It was noted that there was a process in place for approving the framework agreement and that the Body Corporate would be consulted.
Commissioner Job Descriptions
The job description and person specification is part of the recruitment pack. It was noted that elements of the role, for example, the Nominated Decision Maker, are contained within the relevant casework policies. The Head of Business Planning & Performance would speak to the Commissioners about their roles, and job descriptions would be produced as a result.
Imminent referrals
The COD updated the board on two potential referrals.
Casework Stats – males and females
Casework – 72% female, 28% male
Casework Support – 80% female, 20% male
Corporate Function – 89% female, 11% male
Management – 52% female, 48% male
There being no further business the meeting closed.
Date of next meeting: 26 November 2024
Meeting of the Board Minutes
24 November 2024
Meeting held remotely
Mrs Helen Pitcher (Chairman)
Miss Karen Kneller (Chief Executive)
Ms Amanda Pearce (Casework Operations Director)
Mr Peter Ryan (Finance & Corporate Services Director)
Mr Rob Ward (Non-Executive Director)
Mr David Brown (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Mark Oldham (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Andre Katz (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr Martin Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mrs Linda Lee (Non-Executive Director)
Mr Wayne Gough – Head of Business Planning & Performance – for item 6
Mr Peter Ryan – Finance & Corporate Services Director – for item 7
Ms Cathy Dilks – Head of Applicant Engagement – for item 8
Welcome and Declarations of Interest
The Chairman apologised for the delayed start and welcomed everyone to the Open Board meeting and particularly the members of the public; this is the 5th Open Board Meeting. The Chairman invited any questions relating to the agenda to be submitted to between now and midday on 3 December 2024.
There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 24 September 2024 were approved.
Chairman’s Update
The Chairman provided a verbal update to the Board. The Chairman reported on the various meetings that has taken place with stakeholders and her outreach work. At September’s staff event, Mrs Hamilton and her legal team (Post Office Horizon cases) talked about their experience. It was an engaging and highly motivational session.
A visit to Northern to Ireland was currently being arranged for January 2025 to meet with stakeholders; and we would be attending.
The Chairman reported that she received regular correspondence from MPs who want to correspond with her about their constituents’ cases.
In terms of resourcing issues, we have been successful in recruiting Case Review Managers, but delays to Commissioner recruitment meant casework decisions were building up at the Commissioner stage of the casework process.
Chief Executive’s update
The Chief Executive Reported that a significant amount of recruitment had taken place culminating in the formation of a 6th Casework Group. This should assist with casework as portfolio sizes for CRMs had been unacceptably high for a long time.
Recruitment was ongoing for the forensic trawl which the Casework Operations Director was leading.
In terms of the pay award for staff, the pay remit was with MOJ and sign-off was anticipated shortly.
The Annual Report & Accounts had been laid in Parliament on 14 November 2024.
The CEO reported back on the Senior Leaders Event at the MoJ, which she and the Chairman attended. There was an excellent keynote speech from Lord Timpson, Minister of State for Prisons and Probation and Reducing Reoffending.
Other meetings that had taken place included with the new CEO of the Parole Board and with the Chief Inspector of Probation. Contact had recently been made by the Inspectorate of Constabulary Fire and Rescue Services who were looking for the CCRC to provide feedback on their draft joint inspections which are being proposed for 2025-2027.
Finally, it was the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish CCRC, and many Commission staff would be joining their anniversary webinar.
The Management Information Pack was noted; actions were either completed or on target.
Casework Report
The Casework Report was noted by the Board.
The Casework Operations Director reported that intake over the last couple of months was broadly in line with the same period as last year. In terms of completed cases we were slightly higher than we were this time last year. Six referrals have been made and there were 20 referred cases waiting to be heard.
The COD provided an update regarding the effect of the Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Act 2024 on open CCRC applications in respect of PO cases. The MOJ confirmed that at the end of October 2024, 27 cases where there was an open CCRC application had been quashed by the legislation. Nine were confirmed as outside of the legislation, so the CCRC’s review of those cases was continuing.
The COD provided an update on the work of the Thematic Opportunities Group and the work that had been undertaken to proactively identify issues which might give rise to potential miscarriages of justice.
In relation to the Forensic Opportunities Trawl the COD reported that confirmation for further funding had been received which would result in a larger team to progress the work.
The COD provided a positive update on the first of the DNA training sessions, which had been led by an academic. Further sessions from other external speakers would follow in 2025.
Finally, work was continuing on the Chris Henley KC recommendations. A number of sessions had been carried out with all staff to make sure that everyone understood the report and the lessons learned. This is an on-going process ensuring that new members receive these sessions. Recruitment was underway for a new role, Forensic Science & Expert Evidence Adviser, to provide support around forensics and other evidence.
Update against the Corporate Plan
The Head of Business Planning & Performance provided an update on the Corporate Plan.
This included an update on staff resource where challenges over staff and Commissioner resource have continued to be a high risk. Various initiatives had been introduced including developing a new casework strategy, and to recruit for a new sixth casework group, and various new casework roles. A recruitment exercise for new Commissioners was underway; appointments were however unlikely to be made until the next business year.
In terms of communication, the focus had been on raising awareness of the CCRC within prisons, the Criminal Justice System and amongst potential applicants who were at liberty.
In terms of excellence, priority had been focused on ensuring continuous improvement including the Quality Management System, the Knowledge Management Platform and the introduction of Operational Performance Indicators to help managers manage performance.
A key part of the business plan was around the Chris Henley KC Report which had identified nine recommendations which the CCRC was implementing.
Finally, planning for the development of the next Corporate Plan April 2026 to March 2029 would be an action for the upcoming Business Plan year.
Emerging technologies
The Finance and Corporate Service Director updated the Board on the Emerging Technologies Programme.
The main purpose was two-fold; to make sure that the Commission was making best use of the technology that it already had, and to make sure that it was getting the maximum value out of it.
Over this financial year, seven workshops had been run internally with staff and Commissioners to try to understand the technology sticking points that they were having within their roles. This then led to the first Emerging Technologies Board meeting taking place in October 2024. Seven projects were currently in progress and that was expected to be finished by the end of this financial year.
As a result of the MoJ Innovation Fund the CCRC were awarded £50,000. The FCSD reported that it was an exciting project, and with the right technology that was going to have the biggest impact on the Commission.
Applications from Women
The Head of Applicant Engagement presented a paper on outreach to women with criminal convictions.
Women represent about 5% of the female prison population. The CCRC traditionally receive around 8% of applications from women.
The Outreach Team were aware from their own research and through engaging with relevant stakeholders that women with criminal convictions had particular needs and vulnerabilities, and it was important to understand these. Women with convictions were less likely than men to seek help if they felt that they were wrongly convicted or wrongly sentenced due to differing priorities and concerns. These include worries about children and family members, as women were more likely to be primary carers, which was why women may feel less inclined to appeal or to ask for help.
Over the last two years the Outreach Team provided free online training to 21 different charities. They have also provided free online training sessions to prison staff who work at 11 different prisons in the female estate.
The Outreach Team devised new printed literature specifically for women in the female prison estate, including new posters, leaflets, questions and answer booklets and small information cards.
In terms of future plans, work had started looking specifically at the last two years’ worth of applications from women, so that the CCRC have more knowledge of themes that come out of these applications and a better understanding of female applicant needs.
Any other business
There being no other business the meeting was closed.
Board minutes archive
Our archive of meetings goes back to April 2020, allowing you to review the decisions and discussions made by the Commission since then.